Good Web Guide Website of the Year 2010

Posted 29 November 2010

We were chuffed last week to be highly commended at the Good Web Guide's website of the year awards presented by ex-Dragon Den inmate, Doug Richards. We narrowly...

We were chuffed last week to be highly commended at the Good Web Guide's website of the year awards presented by ex-Dragon Den inmate, Doug Richards. We narrowly missed the top spot so will be working even harder in 2011 to ensure we clinch gold. Our consolation for coming second were some superb canapes which, having strategically positioned ourselves in the caterers' pathway, we took full advantage of. Right then: 2011, here we come!

We were chuffed last week to be highly commended at the Good Web Guide's website of the year awards presented by ex-Dragon Den inmate, Doug Richards. We narrowly...

We were chuffed last week to be highly commended at the Good Web Guide's website of the year awards presented by ex-Dragon Den inmate, Doug Richards. We narrowly missed the top spot so will be working even harder in 2011 to ensure we clinch gold. Our consolation for coming second were some superb canapes which, having strategically positioned ourselves in the caterers' pathway, we took full advantage of. Right then: 2011, here we come!