Live to Loaf

Posted 17 April 2013

While off roasting himself in our suppliers' sunnier climes, Mister Steve shared this...

While off roasting himself in our suppliers' sunnier climes, Mister Steve shared this little 'thought for the day' which he found in one factory:

"Even the most daunting tasks become

attainable when broken down into

several smaller jobs"

Inspired, we had a think about what might get us up in the morning. Then we realised we don't really want to get up, Loafers love bed.

So here are our pearls of wisdom, plain and simple:

"Live to Loaf"

Not quite 'Carpe Diem' but much more comfortable.

While off roasting himself in our suppliers' sunnier climes, Mister Steve shared this...

While off roasting himself in our suppliers' sunnier climes, Mister Steve shared this little 'thought for the day' which he found in one factory:

"Even the most daunting tasks become

attainable when broken down into

several smaller jobs"

Inspired, we had a think about what might get us up in the morning. Then we realised we don't really want to get up, Loafers love bed.

So here are our pearls of wisdom, plain and simple:

"Live to Loaf"

Not quite 'Carpe Diem' but much more comfortable.