And the Dickie-decoration winner is...

Posted 12 December 2012

...William Hurley! We have had some absolutely stonking responses to our Dickie-origami competition we sent out last week. We particularly loved this one of Dickie...

...William Hurley!

We have had some absolutely stonking responses to our Dickie-origami competition we sent out last week. We particularly loved this one of Dickie skiing though:

Inspired and very seasonal, thanks again William. We'll send you a Loafy Christmas bauble to put up on your tree as a prize!

Thanks to everyone for getting involved, we have had a real giggle seeing your efforts. We've put a few of our favourites up on our Pinterest page...have a gander here.

...William Hurley! We have had some absolutely stonking responses to our Dickie-origami competition we sent out last week. We particularly loved this one of Dickie...

...William Hurley!

We have had some absolutely stonking responses to our Dickie-origami competition we sent out last week. We particularly loved this one of Dickie skiing though:

Inspired and very seasonal, thanks again William. We'll send you a Loafy Christmas bauble to put up on your tree as a prize!

Thanks to everyone for getting involved, we have had a real giggle seeing your efforts. We've put a few of our favourites up on our Pinterest page...have a gander here.