And the winners are...
Posted 05 July 2022

And the winners are...
Many of you made a bee-line for our competition to win a bee-autiful honey set from Hive & Keeper, as well as some lovely Loafing Supplies. We're all a-buzz with excitement that so many of you answered correctly, it was C. An apiarist is the proper name for a beekeeper.
Congratulations to our lucky Loafers: Mark, Kay, Patricia, Cressida and Hannah, your breakfast sets will be flying your way soon!
The Loafers x

And the winners are...
Many of you made a bee-line for our competition to win a bee-autiful honey set from Hive & Keeper, as well as some lovely Loafing Supplies. We're all a-buzz with excitement that so many of you answered correctly, it was C. An apiarist is the proper name for a beekeeper.
Congratulations to our lucky Loafers: Mark, Kay, Patricia, Cressida and Hannah, your breakfast sets will be flying your way soon!
The Loafers x