Who has the wildest winters?

Posted 05 January 2017

The lucky winner!

An enormous thank you to everyone who told us about their wild winter ways for our Weber Winter Warmer cookery course competition. You lot are bonkers!

We think Claire has got it spot on though. Her family turn their patio area into an outdoor cinema with sofas, hot water bottles and all. What a smashing tradition, where can we get tickets?!

Congratulations Claire. Enjoy your Weber BBQ chimney starter set and we hope you learn some wonderful skills at the cookery course!

The lucky winner!

An enormous thank you to everyone who told us about their wild winter ways for our Weber Winter Warmer cookery course competition. You lot are bonkers!

We think Claire has got it spot on though. Her family turn their patio area into an outdoor cinema with sofas, hot water bottles and all. What a smashing tradition, where can we get tickets?!

Congratulations Claire. Enjoy your Weber BBQ chimney starter set and we hope you learn some wonderful skills at the cookery course!