A very merry Advent

Posted 03 December 2013

Our Shirin was about to feast on day 12 of her choccy Advent calender...

Our Shirin was about to feast on day 12 of her choccy Advent calender (it was too hard to resist) when our Sal piped up that her one at home is packed full of scrummy biscuits! Have a gander on the Biscuiteer website. It got us thinking what other goodies could be found behind the 24 doors of an Advent calendar so we had a little look around the web and listed our favourites below...

1. The wine rack. 24 numbered bottles of festive cheer to get you through the Crimbo build up.

2. Ginvent. We promise we're not alcoholics, but everyone likes a little Christmas spirit!

3. The spice test. 24 spices, 24 days to test, trial and taste and not a choc in sight. Yum.

4. The homemade, I can put whatever I want in it, calendar. Take a peek at our own version here.

5. And if you're feeling super extravagant we hear Harrod's have a nice one with speedboats, kitchens and a gold watch. You can nab yours for just £618,000. Think we'll stick with the homemade one this year.

Our Shirin was about to feast on day 12 of her choccy Advent calender...

Our Shirin was about to feast on day 12 of her choccy Advent calender (it was too hard to resist) when our Sal piped up that her one at home is packed full of scrummy biscuits! Have a gander on the Biscuiteer website. It got us thinking what other goodies could be found behind the 24 doors of an Advent calendar so we had a little look around the web and listed our favourites below...

1. The wine rack. 24 numbered bottles of festive cheer to get you through the Crimbo build up.

2. Ginvent. We promise we're not alcoholics, but everyone likes a little Christmas spirit!

3. The spice test. 24 spices, 24 days to test, trial and taste and not a choc in sight. Yum.

4. The homemade, I can put whatever I want in it, calendar. Take a peek at our own version here.

5. And if you're feeling super extravagant we hear Harrod's have a nice one with speedboats, kitchens and a gold watch. You can nab yours for just £618,000. Think we'll stick with the homemade one this year.