The Wiltshire Story

The History
If there's one thing we Brits still do well it's making mattresses. "Why's that?" we hear you ask. Well, first of all mattresses are big bulky items which means financially it doesn't make sense to be shipping them halfway across the world. And secondly, it just so happens that the key ingredients of a darn good mattress (pocket springs and wool) all come from Blighty.

The People
When it comes to making pretty much the finest mattress known to humanity, our mattress man Louis is the don. He's a no-nonsense, straight-talking gem of a man (like "No you can't take a photo of me, I'm a mattress maker, not a model!"). And he's got good reason to say what he thinks: he's been making nothing but mattresses and divan bases for over 30 years. Tucked away in the Wiltshire hills, he is a real find.