How do you like to loaf?

Posted 11 April 2013

When we asked our Charlie how many ways to loaf there were he replied "Millions!"...

Here at Loaf HQ we like to think a lot about loafing (and do quite a bit of it to!) When we asked our Charlie how many ways to loaf there were he replied: "Millions!"

With a brand spanking new range of products came a brand spanking new range of loafing positions, so we put some to the test in the showroom.

Here's our top 5 loafing positions:

1.) 'The Recliner'

The old favourite of sofa loafers and bed buddies alike, this position can be adjusted any which way you like just stretch out those limbs and recline. Some prefer hands behind your head, one arm over you face or copy our Kyla and switch to your front- great for reading the newspaper.

2.) 'The Starfish'

Make a beeline for your bed, plunge head first and make like a starfish. Pretty versatile this position can be exercised on your front or back. Great for when you have the whole bed to yourself.

3.) 'The Draper'

Become one with your sofa and mould to it's curves, swing your legs over the arm (we discovered our new Bagsie sofa has great arms for this) and nestle deep into your sofa on your back.

4.) 'The Scrunchie'

Grab a cushion and if it's big enough scrunch your body round it, if it's not put it under your head and curl up, and maybe stick a leg out for good measure? The personal favourite of our Head of Order, Jess, she's even tidy when she's loafing.

5.) 'The Head Rush'

Turn yourself upside down and stick those legs in the air like you just don't care. Okay so maybe not very comfortable but it's pretty fun and one hell of a head rush!

What do you think? If you've got a loafing position to top them all we'd love to know. Send us a comment, tweet or you can now show us some loafing love on Facebook.

When we asked our Charlie how many ways to loaf there were he replied "Millions!"...

Here at Loaf HQ we like to think a lot about loafing (and do quite a bit of it to!) When we asked our Charlie how many ways to loaf there were he replied: "Millions!"

With a brand spanking new range of products came a brand spanking new range of loafing positions, so we put some to the test in the showroom.

Here's our top 5 loafing positions:

1.) 'The Recliner'

The old favourite of sofa loafers and bed buddies alike, this position can be adjusted any which way you like just stretch out those limbs and recline. Some prefer hands behind your head, one arm over you face or copy our Kyla and switch to your front- great for reading the newspaper.

2.) 'The Starfish'

Make a beeline for your bed, plunge head first and make like a starfish. Pretty versatile this position can be exercised on your front or back. Great for when you have the whole bed to yourself.

3.) 'The Draper'

Become one with your sofa and mould to it's curves, swing your legs over the arm (we discovered our new Bagsie sofa has great arms for this) and nestle deep into your sofa on your back.

4.) 'The Scrunchie'

Grab a cushion and if it's big enough scrunch your body round it, if it's not put it under your head and curl up, and maybe stick a leg out for good measure? The personal favourite of our Head of Order, Jess, she's even tidy when she's loafing.

5.) 'The Head Rush'

Turn yourself upside down and stick those legs in the air like you just don't care. Okay so maybe not very comfortable but it's pretty fun and one hell of a head rush!

What do you think? If you've got a loafing position to top them all we'd love to know. Send us a comment, tweet or you can now show us some loafing love on Facebook.